Picture by mlsj1_99 on Flickr

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tool #11

Three things I want to make sure my students understand about being good digital citizens:

1. Once you write something or send something, you can't take it back. I want my students to understand that a lot of people could see what they put on the Internet. They need to be careful when they post things and what they post about.

2. Don't copyright. If you take an original idea or picture, video, etc. from somewhere else, you need to document it. It something has a copyright, don't take it all.

3. Don't trust everything you read or see online. I think it is important that students know that the Internet has great information and sources. However, you have to make sure you are on a trusted site (and there are plenty of great, trusty-worthy sites on the Web).

I think one way to teach digital citizenship is to model for the students what you want to see from them. I think it is important to also cover being a good digital citizen in class before letting them use the technology. I think this would even be a great lesson for community circle/character education time.


  1. You are right on target. Plagarizing and copyright infringements will always be a struggle on the Internet. It is our duty as educators to teach the importance of given credit where credit is due.

  2. These are all great points that the students need to learn.

  3. I agree with many of your points. Encouraging your students to be good digital citizens is very important especially with what one may type. Once you send something in writing you can't take it back. Understanding the power of words transferred should always be in the frontal lobe. Good teaching point!

  4. I like your idea about possibly doing digital citizenship as part of the character ed time that our school has done in the mornings. But we also have to teach it as we are doing the lessons.
